Turning over and eating new leaves


It has been a while! But I haven't forgotten, I've just focused less on food and more on houseplant horticulture. I got bitten by the plant and garden bug earlier this year and added several plants to my once small family of two peace plants, a Philippine Evergreen, a jade, a lemon lime dracaena, and a monstera. Now I've got too many to mention. I've also revived my outdoor balcony plant presence, growing herbs and fuchsia varieties. 

It's certainly been a therapeutic and enriching hobby. 

However, back to food. I haven't blogged as much because the dining scene isn't the same during Covid-19. And cooking whatever I feel like all the time while indoors isn't so good for the waistline, either, which leads me to the anti-inflammatory diet.

A friend gave me a book called The Abascal Way, and I've been reading it here and there. It's about the TQI diet. TQI stands for "To Quiet Inflammation." I'm currently reading to glean information and am loosely following it until bad habits slowly start being replaced by good ones.

In the past, I've done intermittent fasting and tried keto. But they were each something I eventually hit a brick wall with. So I'm going to try this way, where proportions take precedence over calories, and eating at regular intervals throughout the day is upheld instead of fasting. As you can see from the plate, dinner was a piece of salmon with a bunch of vegetables! 

Wish me well as I start on this new path toward better health! 


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