First blog post ever!

New Year. New me? No way. Too cliche. More like new year, new ideas and projects. I've been itching (hate that word but it is appropriate) to start more creative projects. Although I've been in the editing field for years, my first passion and love has been writing. My other love has been food. There is just so much about food that has meaning and power. It's not just calories and nutrients but opportunities to meet people, come together, and to try and enjoy experiences together. I mean, hello, Thanksgiving? That is the ultimate meal for getting people together under one roof and breaking bread. Having said that, I'll attempt with this blog to write about my foodie experiences. I'm no Michelin Inspector, but I know good food when I ... eat it. I'll attempt to cover everything from a hole in the wall establishment to a multi-dollar sign reservations-required experience. I'll also share with you, dear reader, of my attempts to improve my nutritional and digestive health, and of cooking attempts and accomplishments! I love food, writing, and people, so come dine with me. 


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