Small kine post

Wow was I busy these past few days. I cooked some great things, but I just didn't have the time to post right away about them. However, I will do this soon because I have some food to share.

I am considering the following:
  • Having an occasional guest post featuring a fellow foodie!
  • Starting an Instagram account—upon the suggestion of a good friend—directing IG users to this blog with teaser photos. (This one is a good idea for more readership, but at this point, I want to keep things grassroots, simple, and organic. If it will grow, I seek for it to grow slowly. This blog is a baby plant right now, and I'd like for it to first put down its roots before expansion.)
Honestly, I'm just happy to have friends and family with perhaps the occasional curio rando straggler read this blog.

In the meantime, ta fañocho!

Eating with these makes me feel so fancy. 


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