Gummy candy
After years of wearing sweatpants during the occasional snowfall in the PNW, I finally buy a pair of snowpants online from a sporting goods store. I noticed that the site also sells gummy candy resembling food. (I think they're meant as snacks for when people are outdoors.) Along with the pants, I added some to my order. They're whimsical, reminding me not just of actual food but also of the Play-Doh days. I'm too old to play with Play-Doh, so this is the next logical step.
This is the Netherlands-produced Raindrops sushi bento box, unwrapped. The middle row is actually gummy bears inside a couple of apple rings. And the sesame balls, bottom right, are gumdrop-type gummies. These gummies have more of a tartness to them compared to efrutti's and are of a better quality.
Last week, I also got a bag of efrutti "Bakery Shoppe" gummies from Amazon. Those have been fun to look through, with my favorite item being the gummy cheesecake.
The snowpants arrived just fine. 😆
Cute packaging: Raindrops Gummy Sushi, efrutti Movie Bag
Based in Germany, these efrutti gummies are made in China. They're not excessively sweet and have a pleasant chew. Some of the flavors taste like what they resemble, but not always. **Update: The Pop Corn gummy was disgusting. It literally tasted like burnt popcorn with a chemical tinge. Avoid that one ...

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